08 Jul Building Inspection Service Perth
It is essential that all recommendations made in the building and pest inspection reports be addressed well. The building inspection report is a very essential factor as it is a detailed property survey done by building experts.
09a – Dilapidation Survey – Hourly Rate/Call Relevant Office
If you are a professional or Owner builder, and your prospective home is surrounded by an existing building, you should allow and provide for a Dilapidation Report. These reports check and record digitally) existing damage, prior to the start of building a home or commercial project, so that your neighbours cannot blame existing damage on your current works.
Call Peter 0418 948 760 – Davide 0424 305 175 for relevant pricing.
09b – Workmanship Report – Hourly Rate/Call Relevant Office
You may be concerned of, what you perceive to be, unsatisfactory workmanship that is currently under construction of your home. That is when you contact our office and arrange for one of our inspector to assess the workmanship to date. A written report is complied using digital photos or you can meet our inspector on site for a verbal interpretation and commentary.
Call Peter 0418 948 760 – Davide 0424 305 175 for relevant pricing.
09c – Building Maintenance Report – Hourly Rate/Call Relevant Office
When your maintenance on your home is due, that is when you contact our office and arrange for one of our inspector to assess and verify the maintenance items to be carried out by the builder.
Call Peter 0418 948 760 – Davide 0424 305 175 for relevant pricing.
09d – Drone Roof Inspections – Hourly Rate/Call Relevant Office
Inspections are carried out with the help of a drone, where areas are physically hard access.
Call Peter 0418 948 760 – Davide 0424 305 175 for relevant pricing.
09e – Thermal Imaging – from $650
Thermal Imaging is the visual way of identifying where there is insulation missing, electrical circuitry is overheating and where there a moisture seepage’s where a normal visual inspection would not identify these issues – again we able to arrange this service.
Call Peter 0418 948 760 or Marios 0410 189 689 for relevant pricing.
09f – Home Indemnity Insurance Report – Call Head office
If you are an Owner Builder and need to sell your Owner built home before 7 years is up, then you will require by law, to provide your purchaser an Home Indemnity certificate. To obtain this you will need to approach a reputable broker, who in turn will require you to produce a Home Indemnity report.
Call Peter 0418 948 760 or Davide 0424 305 175 for relevant pricing.
09g – Energy Reports – from $350
with the new legislation in place to have the most energy efficiency in a home – we are able to arrange a energy report letting you know exactly where energy is wasted (leaking)
Call Peter 0418 948 760 Davide 0424 305 175 for relevant pricing.
09h – Re-inspection or Re-certification – Hourly Rate/Call Relevant Office
If a report has identified items to be repaired, how can you be sure that they have been correctly repaired, well, we can re-inspect or re-certify the job in question.
Call Peter 0418 948 760 – Davide 0424 305 175 for relevant pricing.