20 Oct Structural Roof Components Damaged by Termites
See the images we recently took on a house in Perth below showing the significant termite damage done to structural roof components:...
See the images we recently took on a house in Perth below showing the significant termite damage done to structural roof components:...
RENOVATING WOODEN FLOORSA natural timber floor can look beautiful if it's sanded, sealed and polished and it's cheaper than laying new carpet.Timber floors which have been covered with carpet or lino for years, or have varnish or paint which is wearing thin, can be renovated...
From $450/Call Relevant OfficeWe are your eyes, when the builder informs you that your new home is almost complete and is ready for a “ Practical Completion Inspection ” that is when you contact our office and arrange for one of our inspector to attend with you and...
It is essential that all recommendations made in the building and pest inspection reports be addressed well. The building inspection report is a very essential factor as it is a detailed property survey done by building experts.09a – Dilapidation Survey – Hourly Rate/Call Relevant OfficeIf...
As per AS4349.1-2007 (Appendix A)From $450.00The Pre-purchase Structural is the foundation of all our inspections and was designed primarily for the budget-minded person and is a must for all types of homes. It covers the fundamental performance of the Primary Load Bearing (structural) componentry of a building,...
Now that winter is drawing closer it is time to prepare our roof and drainage system for the onslaught of those wet and blistery days.A checklist would be a handy item to have so here is one:A) Clear all gutters of debrisClear all gutters of...
No problem is so wide spread nor so misunderstood as rising damp. Probably every building built before 1900 has a damp problem in some degree and thousands of dollars are spent in repairs.In many cases the cure is worse than the disease; ill-conceived treatments may...
Subfloor VentilationWe will look at improving sub-floor ventilation which if not done correctly can be a cause of decay to timber components.The other day we were asked to inspect an older style home in Nedlands it was a grand old mansion with timber flooring through...
What Causes condensation?THE AIR AROUND US ALWAYS Contains A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF WATER VAPOUR BUT THE AMOUNT THAT CAN BE PRESENT AT ANY TIME DEPENDS ON THE TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR.When moist air is cooled below its “dew” point that is (cooled to temperature at...
Continued from the post > Condensation IssuesCondensation is basically simple. It involves preventing moist air from coming into contact with cold surfaces (ie. surfaces at temperatures below the dew point of air). In practice this can be achieved by:Removing moisture laden air (by ventilation) and/orRaising the...